Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The book called Porgy by Dubose Heyward was not a very interesting book to read. The language in the book was awful, so I do not recommend this book for no one to read. However, I think we should be able to pick out our own book to read and write about it in our blog.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It is Oct. 10, 2007 , I had time to check my blog. Thank you Prudence for your commit. I'm about to check out some of the web site you have for us and I will be getting back to you Prudence if I have any problem. However, I had fun during the first step this blog.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Moments of life
…are measured
Life is shared in laughter and love.
Love comes from the peaceful bliss of just being together.
Sunrise or sunset
It is a special event
…a moment to last- forever.
Sunrise and sunset
-one and the same
…yet far apart in years-
but, still connected in the cycle of life.
Sunrise or sunset
It is a cherished moment
…a symbol of unity,
of being together
like for a parent
and a child.
Sunrise and sunset
Ever after to be remembered
As a sunset too soon!
And yet, treasured as a
sunshine of love!
M. Matthews

This is why dreams become memories of love.
This poem is in appreciation for the dedication